Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How do Republicans apologize?

Like this:

RPDC Apologizes To Judge Sumi

The Republican Party of Dane County sent out a press release on March 29th criticizing Judge Maryann Sumi for holding up the publication of Governor Scott Walker’s collective bargaining reform bill. Upon further reflection we’d like to apologize for not understanding her point of view.

Sure, Governor Walker’s bill is unquestionably constitutional, increases worker’s rights and helps local government balance budgets without having to fire public workers. The Wisconsin state legislature consulted with their non-partisan parliamentarian to make sure that the passage of the bill followed the rules of the Senate and Assembly. But this isn’t about the law, is it?

The Republican Party of Dane County recognizes that Judge Sumi is a leftist living in Dane County. Her friends are leftists living in Dane County. Her son is a left wing activist in Dane County. She goes to cocktail parties held by leftists in Dane County. She shops at organic gourmet food shops run by leftists living in Dane County. If she were to enforce the law of Wisconsin and do what was in the best interest of the people of Wisconsin, she’d be exiled from her lifestyle. She’d lose her friends!

The leadership of the Republican Party of Dane County have all made the choice to stand against the Dane County elite. We accept that Left feels righteous vandalizing our homes and keying our cars. It's only fair. We disagree based upon logic and principle. That is intolerable! We prioritize the Constitution and the well being of the people of Wisconsin over foie gras at cocktail parties. That’s the choice we made. We respect Judge Sumi’s decision to live her life with the rich diversity that liberals cherish.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Golden Corral

Our pleasant niche of the seafoody-snobbish has been inundated by a flood of commercials for Golden Corral, which markets itself as the cheapest seafood chain around. It even felt the need to produce a making-of ad-let of its lame ad:

There are certain items, in this life, you don't want to opt for the cheapest solution. Seafood is one of them.

How those tax cuts have worked for the past 10, 20 years

That is, tax cuts for the wealthiest sliver of us. Oh, and corporations.

…After the nation recovered from the 1990-91 recession, 43 states made sizable tax cuts from 1994 to 2001 as the economy surged. Twenty-eight states, in fact, reduced their unemployment insurance payroll taxes after 1995.

But states that cut taxes the most ended up with the largest budget shortfalls and higher job losses when the economy slowed again in 2001, according to research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Read more:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Via Slog

I am perfectly happy being agnostic; people like this simply add evidence. I mean, seriously? You're joyful that Japan was destroyed, and attribute it to your prayers to "wake up" atheists?

UPDATE: I should really listen to the voices in my head saying it's a troll…

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prescient—Reality imitates art

I'm late on this, but with all of the vilification of teachers and union workers recently, I pondered on this story. The Fox reporter (while off-camera) claims the protesters hit him, called him names, etc. (Again, none of it caught on their camera.) But another camera shows the assault (a tap on the shoulder):

Which reminded me of this brilliant and prescient bit:

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Sure, it's an outlier, but it is far too common for Christians:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More of your liberal media pushing the protests right here

Here are some of the "above the fold" pages for the traditional media. We have 100,000-person rallies right here in the US, with dozens of other rallies in support in other cities. Ohio is also ramping up. The rallies have been going on for 14 days in Madison. They have already ceded all—ALL—financial concessions, which the Governor rejects. He just wants to take their collective bargaining rights (but only from the unions that opposed him; the unions that support him are exempt.)

Big news, right?

Here's today's snaps of the major traditional media frontpages (kudos to CNN and ABC for having stories buried in there, but you'll have to squint to pick them out):

Unlike the US, Canada bans lying on its airwaves/cable

Which is why there's no FOX News Canada.