Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Teabaggers, Tea Partiers, Patriot Movementarians, Birthers, Tenthers...

I've said it before, but please make an effort to agree to your own self-appointed name.

Teabaggers: This is what they themselves called their movement initially, until they found out it was a reference to something dirty. So I get excoriated and dismissed if I use that term.

Tea Partiers: This self-anointed term by some of the movement is not universally adopted, and they also are offended by the Alice in Wonderland/Mad Hatter implications, or the fact that it sounds like a child's game with stuffed animals. So I get excoriated and dismissed if I use that term.

Patriots: An obvious hypocrisy to the point that the more moderate-ish movementarians are offended by its militia implications. Not the good kind of militias, but the blowing-up-government-buildings and training-in-the-woods-to-fight-the-feds kind. So I get excoriated and dismissed if I use that term.

This actually could be an (accidental) strategy. Call your movement something; promulgate it; and when others with differing views use it, excoriate and dismiss them. Seems like it's a good way to self-perpetuate eternal outrage.

I give up.

I propose we just call them what they are: Neo-Birchers.

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