No one will soon (if ever) know what the motivations were. But we want to know. The temptation to draw conclusions from flimsy, unverified sources is great. Some are actively doing this to sate the public's want.
And conclusions are flying on the internet of course. The latest is the whole "Sarah Palin/Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh/Bill O'Reilly drove this maniac to this act". The media, predictably, is most often reporting this as a single lunatic. Some are saying he's an anti-Semite, others are saying he's an ultra-Leftist.
Again, it'll be a long time, if ever, before we know.
So, why is Sarah Palin going into damage-control mode?
In April of last year, she was criticized for having a graphic with images of crosshairs on them, targeting Democrats. One of them happened to be Giffords. Lots of criticism has been heaped on this at the time, and now that one of the "targets" has been taken out, the incitement accusation has been huge.
Her people tell us that this is appalling to accuse them of anything like that. No, in fact, those graphics were cartographic "survey marks".
Unfortunately, that doesn't jibe with Ms Palin's own tweets:
Or this:
Palin's website has apparently tried to scrub the site of the crosshairs graphic. Whomever manages her Twitter account has tried to scrub the above tweets from her account. Of course, as every tween should know by now, if it goes onto the internet, it's out there forever whether you like it or not.
My question is, why the panic if you feel you did nothing wrong?
UPDATE: (HT Slog):
Palin has scrubbed her Facebook comments of any critical comments. But she left in comments like this, which are apparently perfectly OK:
"It's ok. Christina Taylor Green was probably going to end up a left wing bleeding heart liberal anyway. Hey, as 'they' say, what would you do if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a kid? Exactly."Christina was the 9 year old girl killed.
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