Glenn also points to Digby:
These routine insults, humiliations and suspensions of human dignity are training us to submit to the police state. I noticed this morning that in all the blathering about tax cuts and deficits, not one person brought up Homeland Security. That bloated budget is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and if you build it they will use it. And the results of that are obvious.
It'd be hard add much to this other than Glenn's "Are you angry yet?" But here's a more measured assessment. (Here's a snippet:)
The U.S. Travel Association, in fact, is worried that the more onerous screening process will discourage air travel.
“The system is broken, it’s extremely flawed and it’s absurd that we all sit back and say we can’t do anything about it,” said Geoff Freeman, executive vice president of the association.
Almost forgot: November 24 is national Opt-out Day in protest. Unfortunately, the new fondling procedures make this option as egregious as the naked-and-irradiating "back scatter" body scanners.
Enjoy your flight.
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